Thursday, 14 May 2020

Career Edge - Knockdown the Lockdown

Knockdown the Lockdown Final Assessment

  • Business Skills

Q1. There are different types of Corporate Dress Codes Choose among the options, which of the given is correct

Answer: All the options are correct.

Q2. What does BCC stand for?

Answer: Blind Carbon Copy

Q3. The structure of a functional resume should start with which of the given information?

Answer: Contact Information

Q4. Which among the given options is not an element of non-verbal communication?

Answer: Name of the Speaker

Q5. Choose among the options given, how can people use verbal communication?

Answer: Verbal Communication can happen face-to-face, through telephone or any other digital media where words and sound can be exchanged.

Q6. Which of the given quality should be exhibited in Group Discussions.

Answer: Subjective

Q7. Which among the given options should be avoided during a Group Discussion?

Answer: Speaking Fast

Q8. The first 4 of the 5W's of a presentation includes the following
Why am I speaking?
Who is my audience?
Where will I speak?
When will I speak?
Choose the last "W" from the options given.

Answer: What is the message?

Q9. Choose among the options, the best approach towards effective presentation

Answer: All of the options are correct

Q10. Interview preparation before the interview should include which among the given options?

Answer: All of the options are correct

Q11. In an interview, if you do not know an answer, what should you do? Choose among the options given.

Answer: Admit that you do not know and can learn

Q12. Soft skills are the basic requirement for any job. Which among the options is not a soft skill?

Answer: Typing skills

Q13. Which of the given options list correctly soft and hard skills

Answer: Soft Skills - Interpersonal Skills, Problem Solving Skills
              Hard Skills - Programming, Marketing skills

Q14. In a telephone conversation, what is important about the voice communicating? Choose the best option.

Answer: All of the options are important and need to be managed properly

Q15. What should be the mannerism, when puing a caller on hold? Choose the best option

Answer: As It is okay to put the caller in held

  • Accounting Fundamental

Q1. If a business purchases on credit from a supplier how would the supplier be referred to for the business. Choose the most appropriate among the options given

Answer: Debtor

Q2. Which of the given options is NOT an accounting principle?

Answer: Goodwill

Q3. Which type of Asset is Copyright A/C. Cheese among the options given.

Answer: Intangible

Q4. Following the rules of Debit and Credil, choose which account does the given particular pertain to All Expenses and Losses

Answer: Nominal

Q5. The company purchases a significant amount of supplies on credt Which of the gven options are correct considering Accounting Equation

Answer: Assets - Increase External Liabilities: Increase

  • IT Fundamental

Q1. When a web page is requested from a browser, the HTTP request provide header information which comes from browser side?

Answer: Connection

Q2. Which of the HTTP method when used in the method field, leaves entity body empty. Choose among the options given

Answer: GET

Q3. Which tag can be used to display an image to a web page?

Answer: img

Q4. Choose the HTML element from the options given that is used to define a multi-line input field?

Answer: textarea

Q5. Choose the HTML attribute to define inline styles

Answer: style

  • Awareness on Artificial Intelligence

Q1. Choose the appropriate characteristics of an intelligent agent

Answer: Both the options are correct

Q2. Wir search uses the problem specific knowledge in addition to the definition of the problem statement. Choose the correct option

Answer: Informed Search

Q3. Choose the most appropriate basic types of inferences from the options given.

Answer: Convert rules to Horn Clause, reduce to Propositional Logic

Q4. Which among the options given, best describe an auto-associative network?

Answer: Neural network that contains feedback

Q5. The major tasks of NLP includes which among the given options?

Answer: All the options are correct

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