Machine Learning Assessment
Q1. 100 articles need to divide based on content like sports, Business Entertainment Which ML Model is
Answer: Clustering
Q2. Target Variable also called as in Machine Learning?
Answer: All are correct
Answer: Replace missing values with mean/median/mode
Q4. Identify which of the following is/are preprocessing steps?
Answer: All are correct
Q5. Which of the following is Machine Learning Type?
Answer: Both
Q6. Which of the following approach is supervised Learning?
Answer: All Are Correct
Q7. Clustering approach is example for which type of learning?
Answer: Unsupervised Learning
Q8. A feature G1 can take certain value A, B, C, D, E & F and represents grade of students from a University Which of the following statement is true in following case?
Answer: Feature G1 is an example of ordinal variable
Q9. Please identify what is the purpose of below code?
>>>from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer >>>imp = Imputer(missing values=0, strategy='mean', axis=0) >>>imp fit_transform(X_train)
Answer: Code replacing Missing values in dataset with Mean
Q10. Which of the following is a good test dataset characteristic?
Answer: All Are Correct
Q11. What is the input to the Machine Learning Model?
Answer: Data and Output
Q12. What is the purpose of performing cross-validation 2
Answer: All Are Connected
Q13. Machine Learning is subset of?
Answer: Artificial Intelligence
Q14. What is Machine Learning?
Answer: All are correct
Q15. Identify Outlier in below data?
Answer: 99
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