Create a table Stude
rollno number 5
name character 15
city character 15
gender characer 1
dob date
set talk off
use stude
do while .T.
store 0 to rno
store space(15) to nm
store space(15) to ct
store space(1) to gn,opt
store {} to dt
@2,2 to 23,80 double
@5,30 say "Student Data Entry" font "Cambria",16
@8,3 say repl("=",77)
@10,10 say "Enter roll no: " get rno pict "999" valid rno>0 error "Roll no should be greater than zero"
@12,10 say "Enter name: "get nm pict "@!"
@14,10 say "Enter city: "get ct pict "@!"
@16,10 say "Enter DOB: " get dt function "E"
@18,10 say "Enter gender: "get gn pict "!" valid gn="M" or gn="F" error "Gender must be M or F"
@20,3 say repl("=",77)
@21,20 say "Do you want to add more record?" get opt func "!" pict "Y"
append blank
replace rollno with rno
replace name with nm
replace city with ct
replace dob with dt
replace gender with gn
if opt="N " then
clear all
set talk on
rollno number 5
name character 15
city character 15
gender characer 1
dob date
set talk off
use stude
do while .T.
store 0 to rno
store space(15) to nm
store space(15) to ct
store space(1) to gn,opt
store {} to dt
@2,2 to 23,80 double
@5,30 say "Student Data Entry" font "Cambria",16
@8,3 say repl("=",77)
@10,10 say "Enter roll no: " get rno pict "999" valid rno>0 error "Roll no should be greater than zero"
@12,10 say "Enter name: "get nm pict "@!"
@14,10 say "Enter city: "get ct pict "@!"
@16,10 say "Enter DOB: " get dt function "E"
@18,10 say "Enter gender: "get gn pict "!" valid gn="M" or gn="F" error "Gender must be M or F"
@20,3 say repl("=",77)
@21,20 say "Do you want to add more record?" get opt func "!" pict "Y"
append blank
replace rollno with rno
replace name with nm
replace city with ct
replace dob with dt
replace gender with gn
if opt="N " then
clear all
set talk on
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